Thursday, October 13, 2011

9/3/11 Music

There are a lot of music styles I like and a few I can't stand. I enjoy listening to many different instruments and I think several are kinds that other people don't like at all. I really like a Church Organ. I am also a fan of the bagpipes. I grew up playing the piano and listening to my mother sing loudly and happily in church. I sang in the choir and then eventually became involved in musical theatre. Music has very much been a part of my life.

My favorite instrument, however, is the Cello. I went to a concert when I was living in London my Senior year of college. I went to lots of different music and theatre performances. There are only a few that really have stuck with me and the cello performance was one of them. I went to so many theatre performances this summer with Jason and Ethan. I go to a lot often. But what I rarely go to anymore is the symphony or any other musical performance. I miss them. I think I am going to try to go to something once my show closes. We'll see how I do.

I am thankful for the Cello.


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