Wednesday, October 12, 2011

8/25/11 Kisses or Hugs

People ask this question. And without much thinking I can definitely say hugs. Nothing beats a good hug. Especially since you can get them from so many different people in a variety of ways and they always make you feel good. Unless they are from some creepy guy I suppose but hopefully we don't experience those too often, or at all. Nothing beats a person who is a really good hugger. With a good amount of pressure without being too hard. Who holds you long enough, but not too long. Someone who hugs you like they mean it not just some awkward side hug they feel they should do. People can hug you when they are happy to see you, when they are sad to see you go, when you are sad and need comforting, when they want to congratulate and celebrate with you, just to say "hello", just to say "until next time." Family, friends and loved ones can always give a hug. I don't necessarily want kisses from all these people, but a hug is just right.

I am thankful for good hugs. Keep 'em coming.


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