Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/27/10 Fireworks

Bell Square has a shop that I haven't seen anywhere else. Fireworks is a store filled with great and unique things. On our way out of town, headed back home, I requested a special stop there. Going to a mall isn't always high on my list and also isn't always fun this soon after Thanksgiving. People are often rude, pushy and inconsiderate. And there are a lot of them. But I was willing to brave it today so I could go to my one store I enjoy. They had some things that were interesting, or funny, or neat. Mom got some cheese knives for Barb that seemed to be a hit. I didn't get anything but they had these hilarious cookie cutters. Ninjabread Men and gingerbread men who know Martial Arts. They are very fun. They always have quite an ecclectic mix of items to choose from. I really think you could find at least one thing for everyone there. They are a hard store to categorize but they are neat.

I am thankful for Fireworks, the super fun store.


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