Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4/16/11 OCT

My taxes every year are hard. I have several W-2's and several 1099's. I have stuff for Acting as well as interpreting. I own a house and can write off a portion of bills and square footage since I use my house and phone for work. There are mileage, supplies, and professional development numbers to take into account. I had a lot of help last year from my mom. It took us forever. She helped again this year but it wasn't quite the same nightmare. I am determined that next year will be even easier. I took notes for what went where, which form, which line, etc. Today I drew up a chart that explains all of my forms as well as creating a form to fill out with all the numbers when I have them next year. I am so excited to see how well it works next year. It is going to be great. I don't know many people who are excited to pay bills or taxes but I kind of am. I don't really want to pay taxes (well, really at all) but I want to see how fast they go and use my form. Next year tax time can take its time getting here but when it does arrive I am looking forward to it going more smoothly and less stressfully.

I am thankful for my new tax form I designed.


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