Monday, August 22, 2011

7/19/11 Second Leg

Today I made it the full 7.25 miles around the track. It is much harder and much more boring around a track. But I made it. Jason and Ethan showed up when I was about halfway done. They played some and cheered me on as I finished up. Plus they brought treats from Starbucks! Which was very good since I didn't really eat enough before going on such a long run. I shall have to remember to bring gummy bears or something on my actual run. I've heard you run the first leg for yourself, the second you run just to get through it, and the third you run for your team. I'm thinking this may be very accurate for such a long run. Just get through it. Well, I got through it today. Pretty even pace too, so here's hopin'.

I am thankful I ran my 7.25 miles in a good time today.


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