Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/10 thoughts while interpreting

Being a Sign Language Interpreter allows you to be at some super amazing jobs interpreting cool things as well as interpreting in some lame places with yucky content. I work at Clark College and have been placed in countless different classes with many different kinds of subjects. One of the times that made me giggle out loud during an assignment, totally unprofessional, was during a P.E. class. This particular quarter I was working in a class where the focus was core work. The instructor and the 38 students were all on lying down on the mats doing the "bicycle." These are special mats that require the students to remove their shoes before walking on them. Not sure why they are special. The other mats in the corner can be pulled out for people to use if they prefer to keep their shoes on. They look pretty similar to me. Anyway, I am the only one standing up in front of the class trying to be visible for the student I am interpreting for who is also lying on the floor. I think I am the only one who really gets to witness the beauty of 78 legs attached to 78 feet all wearing different colors of socks bicycling at the same time at varying speeds and heights. Some people have white socks on of course, but they vary in length. Some people wear solid color socks of all different colors, some have polka dots, some have hearts or other shapes, some have stripes, some are knee highs, some people even have non matching socks.

Watching the various colors and styles of socks spin around in the sea of people lying on the floor is something that brings me joy and I am thankful for.


1 comment:

  1. I love this image. You should choreograph a dance where people get to do this. :)

