Friday, October 22, 2010

10/22/10 Dolphin Diving

Today I was reminded of playing with my dad when I was young. I remember my sisters and I ganging up on him in wrestling or tickling until he would exclaim: "Watch the glasses! Watch the glasses!" But the best things ever were the 'Dolphin Dives' we would get at the Redmond Swimming Pool during the public swim time. (And after swimming we would get a treat from the vending machine!) A 'Dolphin Dive' consisted of holding on to my dad's back in a kind if piggy back position and then having him dive under water. I'm sure we looked just like dolphins. I don't know who came up with the term but it seems to be very fitting. We had so much fun swimming.

I am thankful for the 'Dolphin Dives' with my dad.


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